Thursday, June 9, 2011

Testing TestFlight

Started last night beta testing my few small but simple applications. In past I've done ad hoc releases and distribution manually and was not really looking forward to do it again.

Then I was told about TestFlight. It's beatiful. It's user-friendly. It works. And then some more!

Just one reminder: you still need to add each tester UDID into your Apple Developer iOS portal account devices section, regenerate and download distribution profiles. About everything else is taken care of by TestFlight.

End-user installation happens Over-The-Air, which basically removes 95% of all ad hoc release issues! When considering how simple and easy using TestFlight service is, it's a wonder Apple hasn't bought them yet!

(...or sherlocked)


  1. You can have complete review of this wonderful service here:

  2. TestFlight makes it easy to add the UDIDs to the iOS portal by providing an option to export them all in one file which can then be uploaded in the portal. It's a great service!
